At Scoliosis 3DC®, more and more adolescents are seeking alternatives for scoliosis treatment and are the ones who have researched other options for scoliosis and asked their parents to initiate contact.

schroth method exercises are one of the alternatives for scoliosis treatment

This week a sweet, 13-year-old from Texas came to Boston to learn Schroth. When I commended her mom on having the foresight to bring her mild-curved daughter, rather than follow the “wait and see” approach, she told me her daughter was the one to research and pursue the alternative treatment options for scoliosis in order to avoid bracing.

Similarly, Marc saw another adolescent from out of state this week who also did her own research on alternatives for scoliosis treatment. He described her as an intelligent and motivated fifteen-year-old, who, when faced with the threat of surgery, went to work to actively pursue options other than surgery for scoliosis treatment. Interestingly in her case, the scoliosis surgeon actually admitted to her, “If you were my daughter, I would not have you have the surgery.” Very refreshing honesty, and if you think about it, an essential question to ask your scoliosis surgeon – then look into his/her eyes and judge the response.

I love hearing about this type of scoliosis patient. Taking responsibility and learning how to manage scoliosis, at any age, adolescent or adult, is a valuable undertaking. The skills learned during our one-on-one Schroth program can be applied daily while, for example, standing in a line, privately at home, and during almost any everyday activity. Patients report the time and resources invested as extremely worthwhile.

For patients who complete the program, their customized exercises are something they can use throughout their lives to manage scoliosis. At Scoliosis 3DC®, we provide helpful resources including a video and an annotated binder with photos and written instructions for exercises so there’s never the excuse of “I forgot how to do them!” If you are interested in Schroth method instruction for you or your child, please contact us.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

High Spirits

“My back pain is at a minimum and my spirits are high. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Moramarco to anyone suffering from scoliosis. The results will speak for themselves.” Read More

Such a Huge Improvement

“This is such a huge improvement over the past year. Her brace is still fitting very well. We are so very thankful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with you and the entire staff” Read More