What is 3DC?

Learn about our mission and about Scoliosis 3DC® treatment advantages.

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Our Scoliosis Story

Dr. Marc’s personal journey as a parent of a child with idiopathic scoliosis changed the course of his life and led him to introduce the Schroth method in the US.

Learn About Our Story

Dr. Marc Moramarco

Learn about the foremost Schroth method expert in the United States.

Learn About Dr. Moramarco

Meet the Team

Meet the incredible, caring team who help our scoliosis patients along every step of their treatment journey.

Learn About Our Team

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read about the positive impact our scoliosis exercise and bracing protocols have had on our patients – both young and old!

Read Our Testimonials

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Scoliosis treatment result has family fist bumping, cart-wheeling

N’s mom sent us an email expressing her elation over her daughter’s result after Schroth method treatment at our facility: “Wish you could see us fist bumping, cartwheeling and grinning from ear-to-ear!!!”  “Hope you’re as happy as we are!!!” I am! “ ‘N’ is very happy and this will motivate her to keep doing the exercises.”… Read More