November 21, 2012

Scoliosis and Height

As you may already know, having scoliosis can affect several aspects of appearance. Even scoliosis and height are related (ex: a worsening curve may cause a loss in height – especially in adulthood). In this blog, we’ll discuss one amazing woman who actually managed to GROW 1.5″ as an adult, in less than nine months.

How did she do it? More good news: NOT SURGERY! Cindy accomplished this feat after participating in the intensive twenty hour Schroth-based program at Scoliosis 3DC® and applying the techniques taught. As an adult with scoliosis, Cindy presented with a severe curve.

She indicated the experience was enlightening. On the second day of instruction she stated, “the way my body is, and reacts, is finally beginning to make sense to me!” When we bid her goodbye and good luck at week’s end, she responded: “I won’t need luck, now that I’ve been here and have learned the Schroth Method!” She returned home to Colorado with knowledge about what to do and not to do, and new skills including activities of daily living and Schroth exercises specific to her unique spine.

We learned of Cindy’s 1.5” growth recently in an email from another Colorado patient (we put the two in contact). Cindy’s new scoliosis friend classified the adult growth spurt in “the miracle category.” We were thrilled, and Marc had the chance to speak with Cindy a few days ago. She is also thrilled with her results – by the way, measurements were taken at her doctor’s office – and relayed that she not only feels better but people are noticing her improved posture and taller stature!

Once again, the Schroth Method empowers. As part of Cindy’s quest to live life to its fullest with scoliosis she recently climbed a fourteen-mile peak and is making plans to to conquer a much higher and more well known mountain in the near future.

As with adolescents, shared goals for adults are halted progression, decreased scoliometer and better lung function. But in contrast to the kids, many adults present wanting to reduce pain or discomfort, improve mobility and prevent additional spinal collapse. Most just want to feel better, stand straighter, breathe easier, and improve overall quality of life while aging with scoliosis. As a result, being able to report quantifiable numbers for adults is sometimes elusive because pain is subjective and adults rarely feel the need to get re-x-rayed once they feel better. That said, since scoliosis and height are related it is prudent for adults with scoliosis to keep track of this measurement over time (as it is not nearly as invasive as an x-ray).

scoliosis and height

More good news is that Cindy is not the first adult who has been through the Schroth-based program to gain height; however, Cindy has now set the bar. What’s also notable is that for more than thirty years she has tried several varied, alternative treatments for scoliosis prior to her introduction to the Schroth-based approach. Shunning surgery and influenced by parents with a more natural, conservative mindset, she has used chiropractic, rolfing, QNRT and many other approaches to manage scoliosis. As a credit to her, she continued searching and fighting the fight against scoliosis and is now feeling more optimistic with her recent progress.

To grow 1.5″ at a time when most with scoliosis are in fear of spinal collapse is extraordinary! Congratulations Cindy, and kudos for your discipline and tenacity. In this season of thanks, as advocates for those with scoliosis, we offer our thanks to Cindy for providing encouragement and hope to a community where, for years, there hasn’t been much to go around.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Positive, uplifting and rejuvenating

I have tried to write many testimonials and they all have ended up very long and really about me. When I was trying to make a decision on contacting Scoliosis 3DC®, I was looking for a story like mine. Through the journey I have made the last several years I have come to the realization… Read More

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More