January 26, 2011
A scoliometer reading indicates the degree of vertebral rotation in scoliosis.

A Scoliometer™ is an instrument that measures trunk asymmetry in scoliosis, or angle of trunk rotation (ATR). It is a small, non-invasive device (essentially a mini-level) that is placed over the spine while a person is in a forward bending position. The Scoliometer™ reading indicates the degree of trunk asymmetry (rotation). Research shows that most people have a small degree of spinal rotation. However, depending on the measurement, spinal rotation is a possible indicator that scoliosis may be present. Scoliosis is officially diagnosed/confirmed with an x-ray, which is used to measure the Cobb angle (degree of the curve angle).

Frequently, patients and parents are confused between the Scoliometer™ and Cobb angle because both are reported in degrees. Often, patients will come to see us for an initial evaluation for scoliosis but have  never had a Scoliometer™ measurement. This points to the necessity of spinal screenings to detect scoliosis.

The Scoliometer™ reading is a good baseline measurement. It makes it easy to monitor trunk asymmetry during follow-ups. However, like Cobb angle, this assessment is also subject to errors since the patient must assume the same position each time and there can be a variation among examiners. (See studies below). It’s most reliable when the same examiner performs the reading.

Hence, the Scoliometer™ is a good tool for scoliosis screening but should not be the only tool used for diagnosis. Scoliometers are commonly used in school screenings. Depending upon what the Scoliometer™ shows, an adolescent may then be referred for a spinal x-ray. Some practitioners will refer for an x-ray to confirm scoliosis at 5º, some at 7º. The x-ray will determine if scoliosis is present and allow the physician to measure the degree or severity of scoliosis on x-ray.  When scoliosis is present the physician should report the Cobb angle of the spinal curve(s) to the patient and/or parents. It is then that a treatment plan can be determined based on the curve measurement and other factors.

At Scoliosis 3DC®, Scoliometer™ measurements are just one of the criteria we use to monitor scoliosis over time in patients who wear a scoliosis brace or who have participated in our Schroth program.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying


I am excited about what I’m learning and the possibilities of reclaiming parts of my life that I thought were gone because of the scoliosis.  Thank you so much. Read More

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More


“So HAPPY & relieved with the result. [My daughter] is out of the woods, no surgery needed!” Read More