Result: JP
- 11.5 year-old female
- Initial Cobb angle(s) 12°/23°
- Risser 0
JP was first diagnosed with a mild lumbar scoliosis (measuring 23°) at age eleven. At the time, her Risser score was 0 and she was at high risk for progression…. Read More
The scoliosis success stories presented in this Schroth method results section below demonstrates the hard work of a sample of Scoliosis 3DC® patients. Notably, most of the xrays featured (taken at independent facilities) are from patients previously treated for scoliosis at prestigious children’s hospitals and medical institutions from all over the US, as well as Canada and Europe.
We include cases of patients who either participated in our Schroth therapy, wore a Gensingen scoliosis brace, or both. Each result is accompanied by a ‘backstory’ for insights into treatment history. For patients wearing a brace, xrays are 24 hours out of brace to ensure accuracy. A scoliosis xray taken just out-of-brace or immediately after scoliosis exercise will NOT reflect a true picture of the spine.
Results presented are of varying curve patterns and curve apex locations. Since right thoracic curves are the most common, those are a majority of the results shown. However, we’ve included thoracolumbar scoliosis curves, double major curves and lumbar scoliosis curves as well. Not every patient achieves scoliosis correction. Results depend on patient-specific factors. The results shown are not meant to guide your specific expectations. Each case is unique.
At Scoliosis 3DC®, we treat patients with all types of scoliosis, including idiopathic, congenital, and neuromuscular. Results shown are primarily of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, the most common type. Children and adolescents have the best opportunity for measurable Cobb angle improvement. Adult spines are typically less flexible, so curve reduction is unlikely. With that said, we do show a case of scoliosis reduction in an adult.
Thank you to the patients who have permitted us to share their images and stories in an effort to help others. Their results defy claims that exercises for scoliosis are of no use. We’ve chosen to post cases with explicit permission with x-rays worthy of publishing.
JP was first diagnosed with a mild lumbar scoliosis (measuring 23°) at age eleven. At the time, her Risser score was 0 and she was at high risk for progression…. Read More
While severe scoliosis in boys is less common than in girls, KE’s case is an example of progressive scoliosis in a male patient. KE was first diagnosed with scoliosis when… Read More
When this adolescent Toronto patient was diagnosed with a severe double scoliosis, she was told by her surgeon that she would need scoliosis surgery in 6 months. Not satisfied with… Read More
Prior to becoming our patient, this female adolescent wore a Boston brace prescribed by her orthopedic surgeon. Records sent to our office on this patient included a note from her surgeon… Read More
After their son’s scoliosis diagnosis, Z’s parents conferred with Dr. Marc by phone. They traveled from Virginia to Boston for a Schroth program and Cheneau-Gensingen brace less than a month… Read More
This thirteen-year-old Virginia girl presented with an initial Cobb angle of 24º. Her parents opted to have her fit in our corrective scoliosis brace after her older brother achieved good… Read More
Here’s another California girl who experienced scoliosis progression in a SpineCor brace. Before coming to Scoliosis 3DC® for treatment she wore the SpineCor brace. Unfortunately, her in-brace x-ray in the… Read More
A school nurse first detected scoliosis in this NY patient. Her family then consulted with doctors who made the official diagnosis of 53° and 71° scoliosis curves. The doctors recommended… Read More
This patient came from Washington state to be fit in a Gensingen Brace. It was decided to use a Gensingen Nighttime brace and closely monitor her progress. Nighttime bracing is… Read More
This boy and his family initially followed the “watch and wait” cycle of advice until his scoliosis progressed 10 degrees – at which point the doctor recommended “immediate bracing.” The… Read More
“He grew over 3 inches and thoracic kyphosis is greatly improved.” Read More
“The exercises are going well and the aches and pains are much, much better! I’m thrilled!” Read More
“Her confidence, sense of self, balance, brain and sensory processing are all benefiting from bracing.” Read More