Many with scoliosis love running, but for some individuals running with scoliosis can present an issue. B. is an adolescent girl with scoliosis who came from Louisiana to Boston for our Schroth Method program. B has a moderate curve, a 29º Cobb angle, and does not wear a scoliosis brace. She was experiencing pain when running–an activity she considers essential!
Her mom wrote a heartfelt email relaying B.’s recent success using the Schroth Method, so we thought we’d share. Their insightful application of the strategies B. learned here at Scoliosis 3DC® to halt progression were applied for pain management. Their strategy may help others pursue the activities they love or encourage others with scoliosis to seek instruction from a Schroth method practitioner.
B’s mom shared:
“As I mentioned in a previous email, B. is a jogger and we have had issues with back pain when she jogs. The right side of her back tenses and bulks up after every jog and immediate pain follows. We tried everything we knew to stop this from happening (bought a new treadmill with springs to soften the hit, side shifting while jogging, cutting down on the mileage she jogs at one time) but nothing was working…..until now! We have it figured out!!!!
She came to me crying one day saying she needs to be able to jog, it keeps her stress free and makes her feel better, but the pain is unbearable. I don’t know what made me think of this, but I told her to start doing her [Schroth] exercises right before, and again right after her jog, and let’s see what happens. She now does her exercises twice a day…..once right before she jogs to condition her back prior to jogging, and a second time immediately after jogging to re-condition her muscles again. IT’S WORKING!!!!!
She has been doing this for weeks now and guess what…..she is remaining absolutely pain free and the right side of her back is no longer tightening and bulging out!! Whoo Hooo!!! She couldn’t be happier, and neither could I.
Also, her chiropractor told her this week that she sees a noticeable difference in that right side of her back and that it clearly is not bulging the way it use to. B smiled and said “I am doing my exercises twice a day, every day, now…..and it’s working!” :-). She now knows her exercises well enough to do them without my help and without watching the video.
She is thrilled that she did not have to give up jogging because of scoliosis and that she can now jog and still live pain free! All it takes is doing her exercises directly before and again directly after jogging each day. Just thought I would let you know that we found a solution that is working for her, in case you ever run into that situation with another patient.”
Our sincerest thanks to B’s mom for sharing. B took what she learned during our Schroth method training and applied it in a way that worked best for her. We love to hear success stories like hers! Hopefully, the solution she came up with will help others who know and appreciate the benefits of the Schroth method and provide a way to engage in activities they love, without pain, despite scoliosis.
Finally, please remember, when it comes to running with scoliosis – moderation is the key – no marathons. The distance an individual can run is unique to their spine. Some patients can run far greater distances before the spine begins to collapse. Enjoy what you do, but don’t overdo!
Updated May 23, 2019