Being diagnosed with scoliosis during adolescence can be upsetting for kids and parents alike. Dealing with scoliosis, or any health condition in childhood or adolescence can be difficult. For some, scoliosis is a tough pill to swallow especially since it comes at a time of life that should be care-free. At this point, the caring adults in a child’s life are not only worried about the potential effects of scoliosis, but concerns about self-esteem may also arise.

For starters, one of our major issues is that clinicians in the field of scoliosis refer to it as a spinal “deformity.” Considering that, it’s no wonder a person’s self-esteem can be affected. The terminology may make some kids feel weird, different, or worse! While we dislike the term ‘spinal deformity,’ it is the accepted industry norm used by spinal surgeon to refer to a person who has scoliosis or kyphosis. Conservative practitioners have gone along with the term. At our office, we’ve been compelled to use it on occasion in a co-authored publication but it made us uncomfortable and it won’t happen again! From our perspective, it an especially insensitive way to refer to people.

If/when scoliosis progresses to the point where a scoliosis back brace becomes a necessity, or if surgery is recommended, that only adds to a patient’s and family’s stress. This can create anxiety for everyone and insecurities for the patient. When scoliosis or kyphosis is diagnosed in adolescence it only adds to the difficulties those years can have. Having scoliosis can wreak havoc on a person’s psyche, young or old. We know from the countless stories we’ve heard and the tears we’ve seen shed.

As far as the adolescent patient, children will react differently to a scoliosis diagnosis, for some, it appears to be an annoyance; for others, it can affect their sense of self. This depends on the child, the severity of the curve at the time of the diagnosis, and the child’s parents’ reaction to the scenario. Sometimes, a child will experience anger or tears. And that is okay! This is normal and those emotions can help lead to acceptance. Tears and anger may simply mean that your child is processing the reality of having scoliosis. By processing and releasing negative emotions, kids with scoliosis can move on to acceptance. This is helpful when dealing with scoliosis and can even increase the resolve needed to comply with treatment. We find that kids who realize and accept that there is work to be done are more often able to make a positive impact on their scoliosis.

In our program, which focuses on pattern-specific scoliosis rehabilitation (PSSR), we do our very best to address the array of concerns that kids and their parents may have. Our goal is to impart the skills needed to control curve management and empower kids. As they learn how to control scoliosis, it can help kids feel better about themselves and perhaps build self-confidence because they are taking control of the situation. Our proactive approach helps kids avoid feeling like ‘a victim of scoliosis.’ To some small degree, we attribute the success that many of our patients achieve directly to that feeling of empowerment! We go to extra lengths to educate kids to get them to comprehend “the big picture”. This includes the best techniques for active scoliosis management and getting kids to understand the nuances of their own unique spine when dealing with scoliosis.

Being diagnosed with scoliosis is especially difficult for kids who have concerns about their appearance and/or fitting in with their peers. Although it’s easier said than done, we encourage kids to be open with their friends about having scoliosis, instead of trying to hide it. Recently, we treated a 10-year-old girl from California whose parents brought her to our office for treatment. When picking a design for her brace, the girl chose the “light pink” pattern. Her reasoning? – “I want a light-colored brace so that all my friends can sign their name on it!” What an excellent idea and a special way to “embrace the brace!”

Others have found different ways of dealing with scoliosis. Many of our patients, have shared their experiences with conservative treatment in their college essays about scoliosis. Another patient, a teenage girl from Florida has taken the initiative to make her own scoliosis website! On her site, “Scoliosis Siblings,” she offers brace fashion tips and features interviews with other girls who have scoliosis too. Talk about ‘owning it!’

It’s not an easy road for some kids, but we are here to help and offer a dose of reality coupled with sincere compassion and all the insights we’ve gained about scoliosis and its treatment since 2001. By helping your child find a way to accept their scoliosis, you will be taking strides toward leading them to a more successful outcome and a less painful scoliosis journey.

friends help when dealing with scoliosis

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Brace Was a Success

“M’s first day back to school with her brace was a success! She had it on 19 hours! She’s wearing it from bed time until she gets home from school which will be about 19 hours a day. M(sister) is wearing hers from 6pm until 7am to get in her 13 hours. So far so… Read More

Better Late Than Never!

“I highly recommend this office to anyone with scoliosis, and especially to parents of children who have just been diagnosed. I wish that I had started this program years ago, but better late than never!” Read More