Y’all definitely make your patients… and their families… feel like family!
Y’all definitely make your patients… and their families… feel like family!
“Needless to say, [the surgeon] was very pleasantly surprised to see a true reduction in her curves. When I thanked him for being supportive even though we went against his [watch & wait] advice he responded, ‘You can’t argue with those results.’” Read More
“Hey Dr. Marc, Me and my mom just went to the hospital and got my out of brace x-ray. My curve went from 38 to 22 degrees and my rotation was like 20 to 9 -YAY! :)” Read More
“I came to see Marc about a year and a half ago to learn the Schroth Method. It continues to help me every day, and I’m SO glad I had the opportunity to work with him.” Read More