- 13-year-old male
- Initial Cobb angle 17º
- Risser 0
After this patient’s mom noticed her son’s uneven shoulders, she and her husband consulted with a pediatric orthopedist. The doctor suggested they watch, wait, and follow up again in four months and suggested that scoliosis bracing may be in their son’s future.
Preferring to take a more proactive approach to their son’s scoliosis, this Boston area patient’s parents consulted with us to learn more about conservative scoliosis care. After evaluating this boy, Dr. Marc recommended a limited Schroth program. This boy came for a few sessions and applied what he learned in his scoliosis program. Within six months his scoliosis had reduced from a Cobb angle of 17º to 11º, a far better approach than progressing and having to wear a scoliosis brace! His case underscores the tremendous advantages of being proactive when it comes to scoliosis should you be fortunate enough to have that opportunity! When it comes to scoliosis , don’t wait and see!