• 13-year-old male
  • Initial Cobb angle 17º
  • Risser 0

After this patient’s mom noticed her son’s uneven shoulders, she and her husband consulted with a pediatric orthopedist who suggested they watch, wait and follow up again in four months. The doctor also mentioned that bracing may be indicated at some point in the future.

Preferring to take a more proactive approach to their son’s scoliosis, his parents consulted with us to learn more about conservative scoliosis care. After evaluating this boy, Dr. Marc recommended a limited Schroth program. He came for a few sessions and is obviously applying what he learned because within six months his scoliosis has reduced to 11º.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Absolutely the Best

“Absolutely the best outpatient scoliosis treatment centre out there. Can’t say enough good things about this program and the people that make it possible.” Read More

Correction Has Been Remarkable

“His correction has been remarkable, is clearly visible with the naked eye and his posture is now very good. I highly recommend dr. Moramarco for anyone who is considering non-surgical alternatives to scoliosis. I am glad we trusted him with our son’s care.” Read More