• 12-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 26º/18º
  • Risser 0

The parents of this twelve-year-old with scoliosis brought her to see us and decided on treatment consisting of a Chêneau brace and Schroth method instruction. Admittedly, the patient reported not being as compliant with her exercises as we would like to see. Fortunately, she did wear each of her braces fairly faithfully (she had two over the course of treatment, having outgrown the first one) and two years after first seeing us her Cobb angles measured 6º and 14º.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More

Rotation and symmetry has improved significantly…

We identified Dr. Marc Moramarco in Boston is THE expert in this field!…Dr. Marc’s expertise and his passion to patients along with the entire team of the friendly staff, especially Amy and Kim…My daughter’s rotation and symmetry has improved significantly, and we know our daughter is in good hands… would highly recommend him! Read More

Intuitive, Healing Touch

“He really has that special intuitive, healing touch. He’s tuned in and observant in a deep way. I feel that we’re very lucky – I really can’t say enough good things about him! I’m so glad that Emily is in such good hands!” Read More