• 13.9 year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle(s): 50°/50°
  • Risser 0

When this adolescent Toronto patient was diagnosed with a severe double scoliosis, she was told by her surgeon that she would need scoliosis surgery in 6 months. Not satisfied with that prognosis, she began treating locally with a Schroth method therapist and wore a Cheneau-style brace provided by a local hospital. After the patient had her in-brace x-ray taken, her parents were concerned about the correction effect of her scoliosis brace and began seeking out alternatives.

Their search led them to the Cheneau-Gensingen brace and Scoliosis 3DC®! In the past, we’ve had parents ask us whether or not the Gensingen brace is effective in treating both the thoracic and lumbar curves of a double major scoliosis. KR’s case is just one example that it can be VERY beneficial for patients with this curve pattern.

Over a year later, her curves are not only stable but reduced at 36° thoracic and 36° lumbar. No longer on track for surgery, her local doctor told her ‘Keep doing what you’re doing!’.  

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

So Far So Good

“The brace is working out great and I wear for most of the day! So far so good and it seems to fit pretty well.” Read More

State of the Art

“I think the work you do is state of the art, and I like the professional but very comfortable way you share information and knowledge. The passion you have for your work is unmatched.” Read More

A Better Quality of Life

“In the three years I have been a scoliosis patient of Dr. Moramarco, he has been the most caring and skilled chiropractor that has treated me for my condition. I have a better quality of life because of his dedication to his patients.” Read More