• 14-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 58º/25º
  • Risser 4

This California girl had worn a SpineCor brace for more than eighteen months, for 18-20 hours a day, and still progressed. She was already a Risser 4 when she came for a Chêneau-Gensingen brace. Her curves measured 58º and 25º and her trunk rotation (ATR) measured 15º. After bracing, her postural appearance improved dramatically and her primary Cobb angle measurement reduced to 51º. Her measurements have remained stable for more than one year. She checks in regularly with Dr. Marc on his visits to California.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Continual improvement of scoliosis

We just got back from a follow-up visit with her orthopedist at our local Children’s Hospital. When the orthopedist came in to share the x-ray results with us, both him and his physician’s assistant were wide-eyed and shaking their heads because our daughter’s continual improvement is astounding to them! The orthopedist told us that if he… Read More

Continues to Help Every Day

“I came to see Marc about a year and a half ago to learn the Schroth Method. It continues to help me every day, and I’m SO glad I had the opportunity to work with him.” Read More

Pain Has Reduced

“After a few months of practice, my lower back pain has reduced, it is really a good news and I am planning my next visit to your office [on my next visit to Massachusetts]” Read More