• 9-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 14º/25º/17º
  • Risser 0

This juvenile scoliosis patient came from Houston, Texas for a Cheneau-Gensingen brace and Schroth Best Practice® instruction. She began with Cobb angles of 14º, 25º and 17° and was considered at high risk for progression. She had an excellent in-brace correction and recently came back to Boston for her 2nd brace as she’s outgrown the first. Her most recent out-of-brace x-rays showed a reduction of scoliosis to 12º thoracic, 16º thoracolumbar and 7º lumbosacral.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Pain Has Reduced

“After a few months of practice, my lower back pain has reduced, it is really a good news and I am planning my next visit to your office [on my next visit to Massachusetts]” Read More

Immediately Made Us Feel Hopeful

“Being a teenage boy, I knew A. needed to feel comfortable with the process and have the right motivation and confidence, and you gave him that. You are a great crew of people.” Read More

Mild Scoliosis Improves 10 Degrees

Just got a call from L’s orthopaedist in Rochester. He looked at her scans and says her curve measures 6 degrees! That is a 10 degree reduction from her scans in March 2010. He does not consider that there is a scoliosis at this time and told us to just cancel our appointment for December…. Read More