• 13-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 50º/30º
  • Risser 3

NY Surgeons recommended immediate spinal fusion surgery for this thirteen-year-old CT girl with Cobb angles of 50º and 30º. Instead, her parents brought her to Scoliosis 3DC®. Dr. Marc fit her in a Chêneau-Gensingen brace and after her first fitting, an x-ray showed a 60% in-brace correction! Later that summer she learned our Schroth Best Practice® rehabilitation techniques. Within one year her primary curve (50 degree scoliosis in the thoracic spine) had reduced substantially. Since then, her scoliosis has remained stable at 30º and 20º. She is ecstatic to have escaped unnecessary spinal fusion surgery, as are her parents!

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying


I am excited about what I’m learning and the possibilities of reclaiming parts of my life that I thought were gone because of the scoliosis.  Thank you so much. Read More

Most Helpful & Best Caring Doctor

“I want to thank a lot of people for helping me…but mostly Dr. Marc for being so supportive…and just the most helpful and best caring doctor I have ever had. I don’t know what i would have gone through or done if i hadn’t gone to him.” Read More