
M Moramarco, M Borysov, NG, SY, HR Weiss. Schroth’s Textbook of Scoliosis and Other Spinal Deformities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne:2020.

HR Weiss, C Lehnert-Schroth, M Moramarco, K Moramarco, Schroth Therapy: Advancements in Conservative Scoliosis Treatment, (2nd ed.), Lambert Academic Publishing: Mauritius, 2018. 

Journal Articles

Weiss HR, Karavidas N, Moramarco M, Moramarco K. Long-Term Effects of Untreated Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Review of the Literature. Asian Spine Jrnl Dec 2017; 10:6:1163-1169.

Moramarco M, Moramarco K, Fadzan M. Cobb Angle Reduction in a Nearly Skeletally Mature Adolescent (Risser 4) After Pattern-Specific Scoliosis Rehabilitation (PSSR). The Open Orthopaedics Journal. 2017;11:1490-1499.

Weiss HR, Moramarco M. The Changing Paradigm in the Management of Spinal Deformities. The Open Orthopaedics Journal. 2017;11:1449-1451.

Weiss HR, Moramarco K, Moramarco M. Scoliosis bracing and exercise for pain management in adults – a case report. J Phys Ther Sci 2016; 28:(8):2404-7. 

Weiss HR, Moramarco MM, Borysov M, Ng SY, Lee SG, Nan X, Moramarco KA Postural Rehabilitation for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis during Growth. Asian Spine J 2016; 10:(3): 570-81. 

Borysov M, Moramarco M, Sy N, Lee SG. Postural Re-Education of Scoliosis – State of the Art (Mini-review). Curr Pediatr Rev 2016; 12(1):12-16. 

Moramarco M, Fadzan M, Moramarco K, Heller A, Righter S. The Influence of Short-Term Scoliosis-Specific Exercise Rehabilitation on Pulmonary Function in Patients with AIS. Curr Pediatr Rev 2016; 12(1):17-23. 

Sy N, Bettany-Saltikov J, Moramarco M. Evidence for Conservative Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – Update 2015 (Mini-Review). Curr Pediatr Rev 2016; 12(1):6-11. 

Sy N, Borysov M, Moramarco M, Nan XF, Weiss HR Bracing Scoliosis – State of the Art (Mini- Review). Curr Pediatr Rev 2016; 12(1):36-42. 

Weiss HR, Moramarco M. Congenital Scoliosis (Mini-review). Curr Pediatr Rev 2016; 12(1):43-7. 

Hans-Rudolf Weiss, Marc Moramarco. Indication for surgical treatment in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – a critical appraisal. Patient Saf in Surg 2013; 7:1.17. 

Weiss HR, Seibel S, Moramarco M. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Etiological concepts and implication for treatment. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine 2013; 1(3):21. 

HR Weiss, S Seibel, M Moramarco, A Kleban. Bracing scoliosis: The evolution to CAD/CAM for improved in-brace corrections. Hard Tissue 2013; 2:5:43. 

HR Weiss, M Moramarco, K Moramarco. Risks and long-term complications of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery vs. non-surgical and natural history outcomes. Hard Tissue 2013; 2:2.27. 

HR Weiss, M Moramarco. Remodeling of trunk and backshape deformities in patients with scoliosis using standardized asymmetric CAD/CAM braces. Hard Tissue 2013; 2(2):2. 

HR Weiss, M Moramarco. Scoliosis – treatment indications according to current evidence. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine 2013; 01:1(1):1. 

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

“Traveled from Columbus, OH to see him!”

Dr. Marc is incredible!! Back in 2015 I was experiencing horrible, chronic pain. He is in Massachusetts, but I traveled from Columbus, OH to see him! I had surgery for my scoliosis and he was very cautious with my hardware, but did everything he could to help me! I wear my back brace every night… Read More

10 stars!

I would give Dr. Moramarco and Kim and Amy a 10 star review…With a few precise movements learned from the team at Scoliosis 3DC®, I was pain free and felt strong enough to tackle a busy day. Amazing! Never, have I ever felt so COMPLETELY cared for by medical professionals. Read More

Exercises Reduce Rigidity

“Dr. Moramarco started me on a series of exercises to expand my lung constriction and to help reduce rigidity in various parts of my spine. Now there are days when I do not need to take any pain medication and many days when I can walk a mile without sitting down.” Read More