The Whisper Brace® for scoliosis is coming to Boston!  The team at Scoliosis 3DC® is so excited to be launching this newest innovation in scoliosis bracing in our area for patients from near and far!

Scoliosis 3DC® was founded with the sole intent of providing support and conservative scoliosis treatment options for families and individuals seeking the very best care without having to consider surgery. The kind of care Dr. Marc wanted for his child in 2001 which was not available in the United States at that time. This new addition to our repertoire of viable and effective choices for scoliosis management has us charged up! Whether your interest is for a child, or if you are an adult, this new scoliosis bracing technology offers the wearer improved mobility. It will soon be available with Bluetooth connectivity capability to provide instant feedback to our team on wearing habits. It will also provide feedback on the amount of pressure being delivered to the spine at any given moment. This type of technology, not available on any scoliosis brace anywhere will allow for improved scoliosis management like never before!

Beyond that, the prospects of our Scoliosis 3DC® program protocols in combination with the Whisper Brace® could be a game changer for many patients–child, adolescent or adult!

If you are interested in learning more, and you live within driving distance of Boston or don’t mind making two trips to see us–one for measurement and one for fitting, then call to see if you/your child is a candidate for our Whisper Brace introduction in Boston. For now, you can learn more about this new, “dynamic” scoliosis brace on the Green Sun Medical website.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Continues to Help Every Day

“I came to see Marc about a year and a half ago to learn the Schroth Method. It continues to help me every day, and I’m SO glad I had the opportunity to work with him.” Read More

Immediately Made Us Feel Hopeful

“Being a teenage boy, I knew A. needed to feel comfortable with the process and have the right motivation and confidence, and you gave him that. You are a great crew of people.” Read More