“As a 17 year old girl living with scoliosis, my family and I are constantly searching for new methods to reduce the chance of an increasing curve. Of course, the brace was not the only method I was receiving. I was having chiropractic treatments done as well. At age 13 I was taken out of the brace and my family and I were still searching and trying new methods but nothing seemed to help the increasing rate of my curve. At age 16, my chiropractor told me about a doctor in Boston who was a chiropractor by trade, but also performed a scoliosis treatment from a clinic in Germany. My mother quickly was in contact with Dr. Moramarco and a few months later I found myself in Boston, taking part in a treatment that has only benefited my health and state of my scoliosis. I had no idea what this treatment was about or what exactly was involved.

In my first treatment, I learned more about scoliosis than I had known in the 5 years that I’ve had it. Dr. Moramarco, taught me all I needed to know- why certain parts of my body do what they do, and why exactly they do this. He thoroughly explained the process of what would be happening for the next few treatments and what exactly the purpose and result of this treatment was. Dr. Moramarco’s passion and knowledge truly showed through his work. His determination to make my scoliosis better was very evident through all of my treatments.

The treatments were intense and included a lot of work from both me and Dr. Moramarco. Dr. Moramarco, guided me well through each specific exercise and made it clear what was to be accomplished in each exercise. The exercises taught me how to properly hold a correct posture, and not let my scoliosis affect the way I present myself. Although this was difficult to grasp, since, for years now I’ve been molded to one posture, sooner than later I got used to this new posture and is now the only way I stand. The new posture has helped me to not give into my incorrect scoliosis posture and to correct my scoliosis one day at a time.

One of the many miraculous things I noticed after completing one set of treatments in Boston, was my breathing capacity. As a scoliosis patient, I never had full lung capacity. This means that I would get tired, and run short of breath when taking part in physical activity. One day at summer school, my friend (who is a competitive athlete) and I, decided to go for a jog. Throughout the course of this 10 minute jog I found myself able to keep up with her, and not fall behind or short of breath. This to me was very satisfying considering, I had seen that my hard work in the exercises had really paid off. I was so happy that my lung capacity had increased since I had been doing this new treatment. This only encouraged me to keep doing the exercises.

As for the cosmetic aspect of the treatment, I can truly say that my cosmetic appearance has improved as much as my breathing has. I have noticed a big difference in the way I hold myself, and the overall appearance of my hips and ribs. Before the treatment, you could really see the prominence of one hip and one rib, but as I continue to do my exercises, the prominence is less vivid and my body is looking more even and proportional.

In order for the exercises to be effective, in my case, I need to do 4 exercises 6 times a week. This can be difficult with the work load I receive as a senior student and the other activities I have in the evenings. This however, is a commitment I have made and I must stick to it. I understand, that this is only going to benefit my health and improve my overall appearance. Taking half an hour out of my everyday life is not a big deal considering what this half an hour is doing for me in the long run.

I am very happy with Dr. Moramarco’s program. With Dr. Moramarco’s constant humor during the sessions, three hours passed by extremely quickly. He made the sessions enjoyable and I always looked forward to the next session. His ongoing support and determination made me enjoy my treatments and believe that I could really make a difference in my condition.”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Intuitive, Healing Touch

“He really has that special intuitive, healing touch. He’s tuned in and observant in a deep way. I feel that we’re very lucky – I really can’t say enough good things about him! I’m so glad that Emily is in such good hands!” Read More