“I think for me reducing the “look” of the rib hump and less back fatigue have been really incredible. It takes discipline of course and people have to realize that its an investment in their well being and they have to do it daily.

I have only seen my chiro once since I got back from Boston. I just didn’t need to go. My neck was out of whack, the reason I initially went, and he said he was amazed how level I was. He was impressed by the improvement of my lumbar region!”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

High Spirits

“My back pain is at a minimum and my spirits are high. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Moramarco to anyone suffering from scoliosis. The results will speak for themselves.” Read More

Brace Was a Success

“M’s first day back to school with her brace was a success! She had it on 19 hours! She’s wearing it from bed time until she gets home from school which will be about 19 hours a day. M(sister) is wearing hers from 6pm until 7am to get in her 13 hours. So far so… Read More