“We were so thrilled by this news! We have been doing the Schroth exercises nightly. O is even more motivated to continue with the exercises in the future now!”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Brace Was a Success

“M’s first day back to school with her brace was a success! She had it on 19 hours! She’s wearing it from bed time until she gets home from school which will be about 19 hours a day. M(sister) is wearing hers from 6pm until 7am to get in her 13 hours. So far so… Read More

Better Late Than Never!

“I highly recommend this office to anyone with scoliosis, and especially to parents of children who have just been diagnosed. I wish that I had started this program years ago, but better late than never!” Read More

Best Decision Ever!

Best decision ever! After much research, we decided that traveling 1000 km to Scoliosis 3DC® and paying out of pocket for a Gensingen Brace would give our 9 year old the best chance at stopping progression of her scoliosis. Dr. Marc, Amy, Maja and all the staff are so compassionate and spent several hours over… Read More