We live conservative treatment of scoliosis almost 24/7. As a result, I see parallels to living life with scoliosis everywhere.
Recently, I picked up the January issue of Real Simple, dedicated to helping create a balanced life. Who doesn’t need more balance? As I read “An Even Keel,” one of those scoliosis parallels occurred to me. The article begins by describing two kinds of people, those who “sweat the small stuff” (guilty!) and those who seem to handle every roadblock with grace (Dr. Marc). So this means as a team we have balance, right?
Anyway, the article discusses living a more even-keeled life, ha. The scoliosis bulb illuminated because one recent night we had been discussing empowerment from the Schroth method (that’s what most people discuss on Friday nights, I’m sure). Obviously, this is one reason we need to strive for a better life-balance.
The point: an intangible benefit of the Schroth Method is that it provides an element of control for a condition that people often feel is not within their control. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine has historically offered little in the way of self-help advice for patients with scoliosis other than wearing a back brace. The benefits of a proactive Schroth regimen are that it can tip the scales toward spinal balance (literally) and provide a patient with that degree of control they haven’t been able to attain. This is what provides the much-needed balance (figuratively).
Key to this element of balance is instruction by a knowledgeable, caring, organized Schroth method practitioner or in our case, team! These characteristics provide empowerment for multiple reasons. What is most important depends on the patient (different individuals find value in different aspects of our program). Individual spinal EDUCATION is one benefit –we recommend one-to-one training. Patients are instructed in the most EFFECTIVE WAYS TO COUNTERACT their curve(s). While Schroth exercises are important, so too are knowing the proper postures to use when engaging in basic daily activities such as sitting, standing, or lying down. Learning which Schroth exercises are optimal for a particular curve and the nuanced way the curve-pattern-specific breathing exercises should be performed is the crux of our Schroth back-school program. However, there is an added empowering element which is knowing what NOT to do to prevent scoliosis from progressing.
This valuable knowledge can help take away or at least diminish the helplessness and victimization some patients feel as a consequence of having scoliosis. When a person learns a customized repertoire of movements designed to counteract scoliosis and Schroth-based exercises designed to strengthen the spinal musculature and promote spinal stabilization WHILE observing the visual spinal improvement in the mirror it can be truly empowering, and motivating! The way we teach our Schroth-based program can provide an element of control and will even help combat the helplessness that can occur for some people with scoliosis.
There are empowerment perks for parents/spouses as well. For me, it was a huge relief to know there is something worthwhile to be done to lessen the likelihood of our daughter’s scoliosis progression. It’s a relief to see your child perk up because there is something that they CAN DO to help themselves.
Having an experienced spinal expert who intimately understands the complicated physiology of a scoliotic spine and its effects on the trunk and body is essential. We start every program by explaining the spinal bends, twists, curves, and effects of movement on that individual’s unique body. It immediately takes away a lot of the unknowns. Spinal surgeons are not trained for this (they’re surgeons!!), nor do they have the time to provide this type of information in the context of a traditional medical appointment. This is why, in my humble opinion, surgeons should be the physician of last resort for a scoliosis patient, NOT the gatekeepers and primary managers of scoliosis when it comes to mild, moderate, and even for those with severe curves unless you want surgery. Honestly, why should a parent need to take a child with mild scoliosis to a spinal surgeon so they can tell you to watch and wait?
The medical management of scoliosis is downright counterintuitive for most parents. Doctors who haven’t lived through something similar with their own child probably can’t understand how unsettling the passivity of ‘watchful waiting’ is for some parents – especially those of us who do sweat the small stuff (and I don’t consider a scoliosis diagnosis small stuff by any stretch!). Most people prefer being proactive to ‘doing nothing’. I’m not sure some doctors grasp the degree of frustration, helplessness, sense of limbo, anger, despair–you name it–that can come when they recommend you ‘watch and wait’ until it’s time for your blossoming offspring to be fit with a scoliosis brace during what most would agree are pivotal years of development.
To make matters worse, if your child is growing and anywhere near a 40º to 45º Cobb angle measurement, the looming threat of a potential spinal fusion surgery feels as if you and your undeserving child are being marched to the gallows with no option for escape. Being told there is ‘nothing’ to be done to treat scoliosis proactively is borderline cruel, especially because there is something else to try first – and dare I suggest, the sooner the better.
Parents are told repeatedly, as we were, when we pressed our daughter’s orthopedic surgeon on scoliosis exercise recommendations, “Just wear the brace.” SO NOT EMPOWERING.
From a parental perspective, when your child is diagnosed with scoliosis (or if you are an adult with scoliosis) you are sentenced to living a life of constant worry. Is the spine bending, twisting, or collapsing with each movement? Is Johnny sitting the right way in math class? What is the right way? Which activities could potentially harm his already compromised spine? Should Susie really be running track, playing soccer, swimming? Is that good or bad for her spine? What about violin lessons? Will holding the neck in the necessary position be harmful in the short or long term? What about dance, yoga, tennis? This is information provided in our scoliosis back school based on each individual’s spine. Empowering.
When considering an intensive scoliosis-specific Schroth exercise regimen for your child, or yourself, there is one final consideration you should not lose sight of, scoliosis is for life. Scoliosis doesn’t end with skeletal maturity. Children become adults, sooner rather than later, and adults have to live with their scoliotic spine, dress their scoliotic body, manage their scoliotic posture, and perhaps pain, as part of there everyday life. Schroth exercises can be for life too. (If you react soon enough and your child has growth potential they may not have to be!). After participating in a comprehensive program for scoliosis management, a patient will have the necessary skills and tools needed for optimal lifetime scoliosis management and consequentially will experience stabilization and even postural improvement. NOW THAT’S EMPOWERING.