June 9, 2017

sagittal plane of scoliosisResearch on bracing has demonstrated the importance of addressing the sagittal plane of scoliosis during bracing (1). Flattening of the physiologic curves of the sagittal plane is thought to be an early indicator of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (3,4). Dr. Hans-Rudolf Weiss, the developer of the Cheneau-style Gensingen brace by Dr. Weiss (GBW) incorporates this principle in scoliosis brace design.

Physiologic® exercises are also used to address the sagittal plane of scoliosis and are a component of Schroth Best Practice® exercises (2). These specific exercises are relatively easy to perform, but can make a meaningful difference. They are not included in other Schroth program by practitioners not directly trained by Dr. Weiss or Dr. Moramarco. They are one of the important addendums to the original Schroth Method program.

As shown in the left image below, patients with scoliosis usually present with an atypical sagittal plane, often with a loss of thoracic kyphosis (flattening of the normal rounded curve in the upper back, or hypokyphosis) and a loss of lumbar lordosis (a straightening of the normal arch in the lower back, or hypolordosis). Sometimes, scoliosis patients can present with hyperlordosis (excessive arch of the lower back) as shown in the right image below. Physiologic® exercises specifically address the sagittal plane with the goal of establishing a normal range of lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis.

sagittal plane of scoliosis
Left: Scoliosis patient presenting with flattening of the thoracic spine (hypokyphosis) and flattening of the lumbar spine (hypolordosis).
Middle: Normal sagittal profile.
Right: Scoliosis patient presenting with excessive arching of the lower back (hyperlordosis).

For patients with kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis, or Scheuermann’s disease, physiologic® exercises are modified to address the associated hyperkyphosis (excessive rounding of the upper back). Here at Scoliosis 3DC®, we also offer the kyphologic® brace, specifically made to address hyperkyphosis.

kyphologic brace, sagittal plane of scoliosis
Kyphologic brace for hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine.

(1) van Loon PJ, Kühbauch BA, Thunnissen FB. Forced lordosis on the thoracolumbar junction can correct coronal plane deformity in adolescents with double major curve pattern idiopathic scoliosis. Spine. 2008 Apr 1;33(7):797–801.

(2) Weiss HR, R Klein. Improving excellence in scoliosis rehabilitation: a controlled study of matched pairs. Pediatr Rehabil 9:3.190-200 Jul/Sep 2006.

(3) Millner, PA, Dickson, RA.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Forever Grateful…Amazing Community

“Our family couldn’t say enough positive words to describe our experience and the knowledge of everyone at Scoliosis3DC. This is one of the few examples that I have had the privilege of being a part of in my life where everyone in the office contributes to the excellence of the result.” Read More

An Amazing Journey

“Julia felt in control, as if she could take responsibility from now on. She learned the exercises precisely and did them regularly. Dr. Moramarco did care about her, giving 120% (maybe 150%) effort during the entire treatment.” Read More

Hope & Empowerment

“She stands tall with the confidence that she now has the power and knowledge to manage her scoliosis and we have a sense of relief at having selected a caring, knowledgeable practitioner.” Read More