Custom Scoliosis Bracing Available at Scoliosis 3DC® Recently, one of our star patients and her family revisited us from Ontario, Canada. This time it was our patient’s younger sister who required scoliosis bracing. The girls’ mom had been vigilant about watching her youngest daughter’s spine for signs of scoliosis too and lo and behold her sister has it… Read More

Research on bracing has demonstrated the importance of addressing the sagittal plane of scoliosis during bracing (1). Flattening of the physiologic curves of the sagittal plane is thought to be an early indicator of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (3,4). Exercises  to address the sagittal plane of scoliosis are a component of the Scoliosis 3DC® program(2). These specific… Read More

Wearing a scoliosis brace isn’t easy for kids; however, it is often the wisest approach for kids with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) diagnosed early in adolescence. Fortunately, there are kids who are finding that wearing a scoliosis brace doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. When it comes to scoliosis bracing, nighttime bracing for mild scoliosis allows for… Read More

Thoracolumbar scoliosis is a curvature of the spine at the junction of the mid back (lower thoracic) and low back (upper lumbar). Thoracolumbar scoliosis can be caused by a variety of reasons but as with all types of scoliosis it is usually idiopathic, about 80 – 90% of the time. According to one recent study… Read More

We can tell you all day long about the superiority of the Gensingen Brace (GBW), in comparison to all other types of scoliosis braces, including other types of Cheneau braces. As time goes on, we see more and more patients with all types of scoliosis braces, including people who contact us that are dissatisfied with other types… Read More

Our website alludes to the early obstacles we encountered when our daughter was first diagnosed with scoliosis. We took her, immediately, to a group of prominent orthopedic surgeons at a highly regarded Boston hospital. They recommended the SpineCor brace from Ste. Justine’s hospital in Canada – the subject of a recent exposé in Canada. The Spinecor brace… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

10 stars!

I would give Dr. Moramarco and Kim and Amy a 10 star review…With a few precise movements learned from the team at Scoliosis 3DC®, I was pain free and felt strong enough to tackle a busy day. Amazing! Never, have I ever felt so COMPLETELY cared for by medical professionals. Read More