Schroth Best Practice Practitioners at Scoliosis Conference Turkey Dr. Marc Moramarco speaking at 1st International Conference on Scoliosis Management Speakers - International Conference on Scoliosis Management in Istanbul 1st International Conference on Scoliosis Dr. Moramarco recently traveled to a scoliosis conference in beautiful Istanbul, Turkey. The 1st International Conference on Scoliosis Management was sponsored by the Scoliosis Society of Turkey and attended primarily by conservative-minded European scoliosis practitioners of varying philosophies. There was a strong representation of Schroth Best Practice practitioners from Europe and Asia. Many attendees were also SOSORT members. Dr. Theodore Grivas of Greece was the conference honoree and we had an enjoyable visit with him and made some new friends as well.

There were a broad variety of presenters, but it was especially refreshing to connect with practitioners who treat scoliosis using exercise since many recent conferences we’ve attended have focused on scoliosis bracing. The Europeans are without question the leaders in nonsurgical scoliosis management and it’s our honor to be involved with the Schroth method and teach Schroth Best Practice to patients and practitioners in the United States. Each time we attend a scoliosis conference it serves to reinforce our commitment to spreading the benefits of nonsurgical scoliosis treatment in the US and Canada.

Dr. Moramarco was the only US Schroth method practitioner in attendance. He presented on two topics: Indications for Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Conservative Treatment for Adults with Scoliosis. He also served as a moderator for the session on Neuromuscular and Congenital Scoliosis and as a member of the conference scientific committee. His talks were well received and we hope to post his presentation slides soon for parents/patients with interest.

It is always productive to have the opportunity to visit with other Schroth Best Practice Academy Board members and colleagues. Exchanging information and sharing experiences regarding best practices in scoliosis care is always worthwhile. The entire contingent was excited when Dr. Budi S. Widjarja, Indonesia, won the conference award for the best abstract, entitled, Single Lumbar Curvatures are Treated Effectively with Cheneau Style Gensingen Brace in Late Adolescent and Adult Scoliosis Patients. Other Schroth Best Practice colleagues presented workshops on indications for scoliosis bracing and suitability. 

It was wonderful to have the chance to meet practitioners who we have great respect for but had only met previously via Skype. We were particularly pleased to finally meet Josette Bettany-Saltikov, UK, and Tugba Kuru Colak. Josette gave two excellent presentations and Tugba – a leading Schroth method practitioner in Turkey – was instrumental in organizing the conference and she did a spectacular job! 

We look forward to seeing many of the same faces again, and some new ones too, this coming September when Dr. Moramarco will have a large role at the International Conference on Spinal Deformities – Evidence and Management in Beijing, China.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

My Life Saver

“I wear my brace every night, and sometimes during the day… It’s my life saver!!” Read More

Mild Scoliosis Improves 10 Degrees

Just got a call from L’s orthopaedist in Rochester. He looked at her scans and says her curve measures 6 degrees! That is a 10 degree reduction from her scans in March 2010. He does not consider that there is a scoliosis at this time and told us to just cancel our appointment for December…. Read More

Almost Total Reduction of Pain

“We are so happy and relieved by the incredible progress S. has made and the almost total reduction of his pain! We are committed to having him continue under your expert care! We can’t thank you enough.” Read More