Yesterday, we received an inquiry regarding the Schroth Method that I couldn’t get off my mind all evening. We get a lot of emails, but this one in particular really struck me – maybe because it came directly from a 15-year-old discussing her feelings about surgery for AIS.

The girl, I., was from Chile. She explained her initial diagnosis at the age of 12 and provided Cobb angle measurements for both curves – one moderate, the other in the moderate approaching severe range. She explained how she had researched scoliosis treatment options, learned of the Schroth Method, and was inquiring if we knew of a practitioner in her country. It saddened me to have to respond there are none we know of in South America as of now. While the practice of the Schroth method is spreading worldwide, it’s clear that there is a need for more qualified instructors in different areas.

Surgery for AIS prompts a lot of difficult feelings for kids and parents
Surgery for AIS is a difficult topic for parents and children with scoliosis.

What resonated with me were her feelings about surgery for AIS and how she so simply stated the problem scoliosis surgery presents for those in her curve range. I know from speaking with scoliosis sufferers over the years, that her feelings are shared by those who are threatened with surgery and unfortunately, realized by many who have submitted to surgery.

She wrote, “I really do not want to get scoliosis surgery. I feel like the cure is worse than the disease. I love exercising so it would limit me a lot.”

To me, this fifteen-year-old eloquently summed up the irony and cruelty of scoliosis surgery and its long lasting implications for adolescents and/or adults.

I truly hope she can hold on until she finds a way to get Schroth Method instruction from a qualified practitioner. Her initiative and willingness to take responsibility for her condition make her sound like an ideal candidate for Schroth therapy. She will continue to be in our thoughts. Good Luck, I.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Orthopedic Surgeon…Shocked!

“…when he looked at her latest x-rays yesterday his first comment was “Oh, did you forget that she was supposed to take the brace off for 24 hours before the x-ray?” When I told him that she’d had the brace off for more than 24 hours, he was shocked!” Read More

The Results Are There!

“She is no longer a candidate for surgery, which is the happiest news we’ve ever heard! Had we stuck with the traditional methods, I have no doubt that we would be in a very different place right now. You will not find either a man who cares more or that does a better job than Dr. Marc Moramarco.” Read More