“I personally am feeling so much better with my scoliosis.

Whenever I used to do the advanced Pilates workout, I would always have low grade backache for the next 2 days, no matter how perfectly I tried to align myself.

Now with pads in place, the backache is a thing of the past…..this is revolutionary!!”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Continues to Help Every Day

“I came to see Marc about a year and a half ago to learn the Schroth Method. It continues to help me every day, and I’m SO glad I had the opportunity to work with him.” Read More

Best Decision Ever!

Best decision ever! After much research, we decided that traveling 1000 km to Scoliosis 3DC® and paying out of pocket for a Gensingen Brace would give our 9 year old the best chance at stopping progression of her scoliosis. Dr. Marc, Amy, Maja and all the staff are so compassionate and spent several hours over… Read More

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More