“I personally am feeling so much better with my scoliosis.

Whenever I used to do the advanced Pilates workout, I would always have low grade backache for the next 2 days, no matter how perfectly I tried to align myself.

Now with pads in place, the backache is a thing of the past…..this is revolutionary!!”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Breathe Easier

“I always seem to breathe easier after a visit with you. Thank you so much for all you do for us. I really don’t know what we would have done without you!” Read More

Toned & Stronger Core

“Wow it is so encouraging for all of us…This is exactly what we see in her – much more toned and stronger core.” Read More

Exercises Reduce Rigidity

“Dr. Moramarco started me on a series of exercises to expand my lung constriction and to help reduce rigidity in various parts of my spine. Now there are days when I do not need to take any pain medication and many days when I can walk a mile without sitting down.” Read More