• 11-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 39º/28º
  • Risser 2

This girl from Washington state came to Scoliosis 3DC® just a month after her scoliosis diagnosis. She was fit for a Cheneau-Gensingen brace and obtained an excellent in-brace correction. While here, she also learned our Schroth exercise protocols. One year later, she’s now a Risser 4 and her Cobb angles measure 28º and 20º.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

Making a Huge Impact

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the result of the brace. But equally as important is Dr. Marc and his staff. They are truly amazing and treat you as if you are part of their family. You will not find a more caring man who loves what he does – helping people and making a huge impact in their lives.” Read More