• 12-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 62º/30º
  • Risser 0

Reducing scoliosis without surgery is impossible, right? Not for AK, who had just turned 12 when a 49º scoliosis was detected from an x-ray for pneumonia. One month later, her family came to Scoliosis 3DC® from Ontario, Canada so she could participate in our one-on-one intensive Schroth method instruction and to be fit in a Chêneau style scoliosis brace. An updated x-ray taken just before her arrival showed a 13º progression in just 26 days. When she arrived to see us she had scoliosis measuring 62º thoracic and 30º lumbar.

Fortunately, right away, AK attained a 58% in-brace correction after being fit with her brace. Over time, she reduced the 62º thoracic curve to 33º.  She also achieved significant spinal derotation (as measured by Scoliometer™)from 18° at the start down to an impressive 8º–a 10º reduction in rotation. This is evident in her postural appearance (see image) where it’s easy to see the improvement. AK is now a young adult and has been stable for several years.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Brought Back Hope

“We cannot thank Dr. Moramarco enough for everything he has done for our daughter. In that time, when most orthopedic doctors chose not to believe in Schroth technique, you, Dr. Marc, actually dedicated your life to help scoliosis patients, to improve their health, quality of mind, and life.” Read More

I Am Eternally Grateful

“I know my daughter is receiving the very best care for her condition and that she will be able to manage it into the future with the courage and confidence she has gained through the process she has undertaken with Scoliosis 3DC®.” Read More

Daughter no longer has scoliosis!

“We went in for a new brace and were shocked to be told that she no longer needed to wear the brace. According to the doctor who prepared her x-ray report, there was “no scoliosis”. Yes, that’s right…her curve had improved to the point that she no longer has scoliosis!!”  Read More