- 12-year-old female
- Initial Cobb angles 62º/30º
- Risser 0
Reducing scoliosis without surgery is impossible, right? Not for AK, who had just turned 12 when a 49º scoliosis was detected from an x-ray for pneumonia. One month later, her family came to Scoliosis 3DC® from Ontario, Canada so she could participate in our one-on-one intensive Schroth method instruction and to be fit in a Chêneau style scoliosis brace. An updated x-ray taken just before her arrival showed a 13º progression in just 26 days. When she arrived to see us she had scoliosis measuring 62º thoracic and 30º lumbar.
Fortunately, right away, AK attained a 58% in-brace correction after being fit with her brace. Over time, she reduced the 62º thoracic curve to 33º. She also achieved significant spinal derotation (as measured by Scoliometer™)from 18° at the start down to an impressive 8º–a 10º reduction in rotation. This is evident in her postural appearance (see image) where it’s easy to see the improvement. AK is now a young adult and has been stable for several years.