• 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 29º/22º
  • Risser 0

This girl’s mom detected her daughter’s spinal asymmetries during a back rub. They contacted her physician who ordered an x-ray revealing a moderate scoliosis. A ten-year-old with a 29º Cobb angle and Risser sign of 0 is at high risk of curve progression. The local orthopedic doctor they consulted recommended a Boston Brace. After the initial bracing appointment (in Orange County, CA), her parents decided against that brace. The patient’s dad wanted the most technologically advanced brace possible for his little girl. He liked the idea of attempting spinal correction rather than just trying to stop scoliosis from progressing. The family came to Scoliosis 3DC® to have their daughter fit for a brace. She also participated in our Schroth method program. Later on, when a mild curve was detected in her younger sister, they brought her to see us as well. When one of your children is diagnosed with scoliosis, be vigilant with growing siblings and cousins!

This girl grew taller and straighter thanks to her commitment to her program and brace. Her out-of-brace Cobb angles reduced 7º and 11º from 29º and 22º to 22º and 11º. A uses her ADLs all the time–very important–but admits to not regularly practicing Schroth exercises. Despite that, she told us her participation in our program was valuable because Dr. Marc and Amy earned her trust and helped her buy into the importance of bracewear! Another benefit, perhaps even better than the Cobb angle reduction is that her spinal rotation almost completely disappeared to a very minor measurement (down 8º and 7º).

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Brace Was a Success

“M’s first day back to school with her brace was a success! She had it on 19 hours! She’s wearing it from bed time until she gets home from school which will be about 19 hours a day. M(sister) is wearing hers from 6pm until 7am to get in her 13 hours. So far so… Read More