We just got back from a follow-up visit with her orthopedist at our local Children’s Hospital. When the orthopedist came in to share the x-ray results with us, both him and his physician’s assistant were wide-eyed and shaking their heads because our daughter’s continual improvement is astounding to them! The orthopedist told us that if he wasn’t seeing it for himself, he wouldn’t believe it!

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

An Amazing Journey

“Julia felt in control, as if she could take responsibility from now on. She learned the exercises precisely and did them regularly. Dr. Moramarco did care about her, giving 120% (maybe 150%) effort during the entire treatment.” Read More

The Results Are There!

“She is no longer a candidate for surgery, which is the happiest news we’ve ever heard! Had we stuck with the traditional methods, I have no doubt that we would be in a very different place right now. You will not find either a man who cares more or that does a better job than Dr. Marc Moramarco.” Read More