• 13-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 36º/23º
  • Risser 0

After being diagnosed with scoliosis, this Mississippi girl had an updated x-ray taken just two weeks later which showed she had progressed more than 11° in that time! Two weeks later, she arrived at Scoliosis 3DC® for a Schroth program and scoliosis brace scan and fitting. Throughout her care (almost two years at the time of the second x-ray), her curve pattern has changed and she’s grown significantly. This has necessitated three brace changes. What’s important is that in less than two years this girl was able to reverse scoliosis (primary curve reduced by 12°) instead of experiencing progression! Her spinal curves now measure 24º and 21º – a successful scoliosis reversal of an extremely progressive curve! At the time of this post, she was a Risser 3 and actively managing her scoliosis as directed by our team so her risk has reduced significantly.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Thrilled with Schroth exercises!

“We were so thrilled by this news! We have been doing the Schroth exercises nightly. O is even more motivated to continue with the exercises in the future now!” Read More

Orthopedic Surgeon…Shocked!

“…when he looked at her latest x-rays yesterday his first comment was “Oh, did you forget that she was supposed to take the brace off for 24 hours before the x-ray?” When I told him that she’d had the brace off for more than 24 hours, he was shocked!” Read More


“So HAPPY & relieved with the result. [My daughter] is out of the woods, no surgery needed!” Read More