• 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 27º/29º/20º
  • Risser 0

This patient was diagnosed with juvenile scoliosis at nine-years-old. When she came to Scoliosis 3DC®, just before she turned 10, she was at high risk of progression. She had a Boston Brace but was finding it very difficult to tolerate.

At first, she participated in our Schroth program. Within seven months, her double major scoliosis had reduced by 3º and 11º. Encouraged, her mom and dad decided it was time to change braces as well. Dr. Marc fit her in the first of her three Cheneau-Gensingen® braces when she was ten and a half. Now fourteen years-old, she has grown almost 7.5” taller. Despite multiple growth spurts over the years, she has been able to stave off any progression. Quite the opposite – she has had an amazing result and improved her scoliosis significantly. Her most recent x-ray shows a spine that looks pretty straight to us–scoliosis cured!

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More

Breathe Easier

“I always seem to breathe easier after a visit with you. Thank you so much for all you do for us. I really don’t know what we would have done without you!” Read More