• 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 27º/22º
  • Risser 0

At this 10-year-old’s well visit, her pediatrician detected spinal rotation and sent her to a well-known Children’s hospital near her home in southern California. The orthopedic surgeon she met with advised waiting four months and then following up for another x-ray. By that time she had progressed to 27º and 22º.

Her mom found us. Like us, she had a more holistic mindset and immediately grasped the importance of having a 3D asymmetric scoliosis brace for her daughter and adding exercises to reduce scoliosis into the mix.  Rather than continuing to progress, over the subsequent years, under our care, this young girl experienced spinal improvements while growing significantly. Because of rapid growth, she needed three braces in two years but her results demonstrated the benefits of that. In all, she was under our care through brace weaning (2021). According to the radiology report her mom sent to us her final Cobb angle measurements were both under 10º–no longer scoliosis!

Her thoracic rotation (ATR) had decreased from 9º to 2º–a significant reduction in rotation! At the end of our treatment, her orthopedic doctor in California referred to her as, “the poster child for this type of treatment.” Mom’s last email to us said, “I’m totally crying.” (happy tears!). “To say “thank you” to you and Dr. Marc is the biggest understatement I’ve made to date.”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

This is Revolutionary!!

“I personally am feeling so much better with my scoliosis. Now with pads in place, the backache is a thing of the past…..this is revolutionary!!” Read More

Kind & Thoughtful Practitioner

“He is extremely knowledgeable and deeply committed to the well-being of his patients. He offers a new beginning to those of us who have lived most of our lives as scoliosis patients without hope.” Read More