• 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 27º/22º
  • Risser 0

At this 10-year-old’s well visit, her pediatrician detected spinal rotation and sent her to a well-known Children’s hospital near her home in southern California. The orthopedic surgeon she met with advised waiting four months and then follow-up. At that time she had progressed to 27º and 22º.

Her mom found us and understood the importance of the Gensingen Brace and Schroth concepts. Over the course of two plus years, this young girl has experienced improvement while growing significantly. She’s had three braces in two years. Her last x-ray showed Cobb angles of 21º and 13º and her thoracic ATR decreased from 9º to 2º. She checks in with Dr. Marc checks on each of his quarterly visits to California and at her last visit her orthopedic doctor called her, “the poster child for this type of treatment.” Fortunately, many of our patients are now poster children!

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Pain Has Reduced

“After a few months of practice, my lower back pain has reduced, it is really a good news and I am planning my next visit to your office [on my next visit to Massachusetts]” Read More

Major Curve Reduced

“We had the good surprise to find out that the major curve reduced. It is now 17 degrees. She was so happy to see the result of her efforts. So, she continues her exercise routine everyday.” Read More