• 9-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 24º/12º
  • Risser 0

A Schroth Best Practice® colleague in Toronto, Canada referred this patient with juvenile scoliosis for a Chêneau-Gensingen® brace. After her second brace fitting, an in-brace x-ray demonstrated a 7º overcorrection – meaning the patient’s spine went 7° in the opposite direction!

When a patient is young with a flexible spine and able to overcorrect in-brace, this is a positive sign that some degree of curve improvement may be possible. Less than a year later, follow-up Cobb angles measured just 10º and 6º (when out of brace for 24+ hours). We are so excited that her curves reduced by 14° in thoracic spine and 6° in the lumbar spine! Cases like hers are why our tag line is “Don’t wait and see.”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

An Amazing Journey

“Julia felt in control, as if she could take responsibility from now on. She learned the exercises precisely and did them regularly. Dr. Moramarco did care about her, giving 120% (maybe 150%) effort during the entire treatment.” Read More

Orthopedic Surgeon…Shocked!

“…when he looked at her latest x-rays yesterday his first comment was “Oh, did you forget that she was supposed to take the brace off for 24 hours before the x-ray?” When I told him that she’d had the brace off for more than 24 hours, he was shocked!” Read More

Immediately Made Us Feel Hopeful

“Being a teenage boy, I knew A. needed to feel comfortable with the process and have the right motivation and confidence, and you gave him that. You are a great crew of people.” Read More