• 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle 16º
  • Risser 0

This young patient with juvenile scoliosis came to see Dr. Marc from central NY on two separate occasions for intensive Schroth instruction sessions for her 16 degree scoliosis curve. Six months later, her scoliosis had reduced to 6º – no longer scoliosis! We have since followed her progress for years. She is now eighteen years-old and has never had a recurrence of scoliosis.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Impressed by the Improvement

“I think for me reducing the “look” of the rib hump and less back fatigue have been really incredible. It takes discipline of course and people have to realize that its an investment in their well being and they have to do it daily.” Read More

An Amazing Journey

“Julia felt in control, as if she could take responsibility from now on. She learned the exercises precisely and did them regularly. Dr. Moramarco did care about her, giving 120% (maybe 150%) effort during the entire treatment.” Read More

I Am Eternally Grateful

“I know my daughter is receiving the very best care for her condition and that she will be able to manage it into the future with the courage and confidence she has gained through the process she has undertaken with Scoliosis 3DC®.” Read More