• 17-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 23º/28º
  • Risser 4

This seventeen-year-old from Montreal, Canada presented with Cobb angles of 23º and 28º in hopes of halting scoliosis progression. She completed our Schroth program, and a follow-up x-ray, one year later, showed an 11º thoracic curve and a 16º thoracolumbar curve. Her scoliosis treatment result is particularly impressive since she was nearly grown – Risser 4.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Intuitive, Healing Touch

“He really has that special intuitive, healing touch. He’s tuned in and observant in a deep way. I feel that we’re very lucky – I really can’t say enough good things about him! I’m so glad that Emily is in such good hands!” Read More

Daughter no longer has scoliosis!

“We went in for a new brace and were shocked to be told that she no longer needed to wear the brace. According to the doctor who prepared her x-ray report, there was “no scoliosis”. Yes, that’s right…her curve had improved to the point that she no longer has scoliosis!!”  Read More