I am excited about what I’m learning and the possibilities of reclaiming parts of my life that I thought were gone because of the scoliosis.  Thank you so much.

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More

Scoliosis treatment result has family fist bumping, cart-wheeling

N’s mom sent us an email expressing her elation over her daughter’s result after Schroth method treatment at our facility: “Wish you could see us fist bumping, cartwheeling and grinning from ear-to-ear!!!”  “Hope you’re as happy as we are!!!” I am! “ ‘N’ is very happy and this will motivate her to keep doing the exercises.”… Read More