“I am a senior with essentially untreated scoliosis which was diagnosed when I was six years old. Despite the severity of the curvatures, I did very well until about three years ago when I began to experience muscle spasms and difficulty standing for more than a few minutes. I have depended on walking as my primary exercise, but got the the point where I could not walk more than twenty yard without having to sit down. My internist and my orthopedic doctor could only offer pain medication which I knew would need to be continually increased. At an International Scoliosis meeting in Boston, a patient introduced me to Dr. Moramarco. Dr. Moramarco started me on a series of exercises to expand my lung constriction and to help reduce rigidity in various parts of my spine. Now there are days when I do not need to take any pain medication and many days when I can walk a mile without sitting down. This has set me on a path to continue being mobile and to prevent lung complication during these senior years.”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Immediately Made Us Feel Hopeful

“Being a teenage boy, I knew A. needed to feel comfortable with the process and have the right motivation and confidence, and you gave him that. You are a great crew of people.” Read More

Orthopedic Surgeon…Shocked!

“…when he looked at her latest x-rays yesterday his first comment was “Oh, did you forget that she was supposed to take the brace off for 24 hours before the x-ray?” When I told him that she’d had the brace off for more than 24 hours, he was shocked!” Read More

Positive, uplifting and rejuvenating

I have tried to write many testimonials and they all have ended up very long and really about me. When I was trying to make a decision on contacting Scoliosis 3DC®, I was looking for a story like mine. Through the journey I have made the last several years I have come to the realization… Read More