Continual improvement of scoliosis

We just got back from a follow-up visit with her orthopedist at our local Children’s Hospital. When the orthopedist came in to share the x-ray results with us, both him and his physician’s assistant were wide-eyed and shaking their heads because our daughter’s continual improvement is astounding to them! The orthopedist told us that if he… Read More

Scoliosis treatment result has family fist bumping, cart-wheeling

N’s mom sent us an email expressing her elation over her daughter’s result after Schroth method treatment at our facility: “Wish you could see us fist bumping, cartwheeling and grinning from ear-to-ear!!!”  “Hope you’re as happy as we are!!!” I am! “ ‘N’ is very happy and this will motivate her to keep doing the exercises.”… Read More

16 Degree Scoliosis Reduction

Hey Dr. Marc, Me and my mom just went to the hospital and got my out of brace x-ray. My curve went from 38 to 22 degrees and my rotation was like 20 to 9 -YAY! 🙂 Read More

Mild Scoliosis Improves 10 Degrees

Just got a call from L’s orthopaedist in Rochester. He looked at her scans and says her curve measures 6 degrees! That is a 10 degree reduction from her scans in March 2010. He does not consider that there is a scoliosis at this time and told us to just cancel our appointment for December…. Read More

Best Decision Ever!

Best decision ever! After much research, we decided that traveling 1000 km to Scoliosis 3DC® and paying out of pocket for a Gensingen Brace would give our 9 year old the best chance at stopping progression of her scoliosis. Dr. Marc, Amy, Maja and all the staff are so compassionate and spent several hours over… Read More

Absolutely the Best

“Absolutely the best outpatient scoliosis treatment centre out there. Can’t say enough good things about this program and the people that make it possible.” Read More

Toned & Stronger Core

“Wow it is so encouraging for all of us…This is exactly what we see in her – much more toned and stronger core.” Read More

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

10 stars!

I would give Dr. Moramarco and Kim and Amy a 10 star review…With a few precise movements learned from the team at Scoliosis 3DC®, I was pain free and felt strong enough to tackle a busy day. Amazing! Never, have I ever felt so COMPLETELY cared for by medical professionals. Read More

True Reduction in Her Curves

“Needless to say, [the surgeon] was very pleasantly surprised to see a true reduction in her curves. When I thanked him for being supportive even though we went against his [watch & wait] advice he responded, ‘You can’t argue with those results.’” Read More