“If you are serious about helping your child with scoliosis: “Run, don’t walk, to Scoliosis 3DC®!”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Intuitive, Healing Touch

“He really has that special intuitive, healing touch. He’s tuned in and observant in a deep way. I feel that we’re very lucky – I really can’t say enough good things about him! I’m so glad that Emily is in such good hands!” Read More

Toned & Stronger Core

“Wow it is so encouraging for all of us…This is exactly what we see in her – much more toned and stronger core.” Read More

Full Dedication

“When Dr. Moramarco worked with Y he showed nothing but full dedication. He was demanding but fun. Dr. Moramarco is a true perfectionist and he does not cut a slack to his patients nor to himself.” Read More