“H. has been doing a SUPER GREAT job with her exercises, wearing her brace and making adjustments at school on where she sits in class, carries the backpack, even just standing. We both can see how much her posture has changed and improvement since our visit with you. She has had great support from her friends and teachers thru this entire process. H. was just commenting that since we returned she has not missed a day of school because of her scoliosis. This is such a huge improvement over the past year. She has not had a morning spell of aches and pains with terrible nausea and exhaustion since wearing the brace. Her brace is still fitting very well. We are so very thankful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with you and the entire staff”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

A True Gift

“Your dedication and commitment to each of your clients is unique only to you and your staff. My wish is for all with scoliosis to know about your program and in turn giving them a much needed alternative to surgery.”” Read More


“I am ready to shout from the roof top. SCHROTH REALLY WORKS!!!!!! I never expected her to get even better. Thank god we found you Marc.” Read More