“Dr. Marc, Amy & the entire staff are amazing… Warm, knowledgeable and really able to explain treatment in terms you can understand. You can tell how passionate they are about what they do. We’ve already seen improvement with my 9 year old daughter who came in with a 46 degree curve. Surgeons at Children’s in Boston wanted to place rods in her spine. I was willing to try anything to avoid such a drastic surgery and Dr. Marc has given us hope. I would highly recommend them to anyone dealing with scoliosis.”

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

True Reduction in Her Curves

“Needless to say, [the surgeon] was very pleasantly surprised to see a true reduction in her curves. When I thanked him for being supportive even though we went against his [watch & wait] advice he responded, ‘You can’t argue with those results.’” Read More

Best Experience I’ve Had

“Working with Dr. Marc was probably one of the best experiences I’ve had with a doctor. I love going there, and doing Schroth improved my scoliosis from 25 degrees in August 2011, to 17 degrees in November the same year. Who can argue with that?” Read More

Scoliosis treatment result has family fist bumping, cart-wheeling

N’s mom sent us an email expressing her elation over her daughter’s result after Schroth method treatment at our facility: “Wish you could see us fist bumping, cartwheeling and grinning from ear-to-ear!!!”  “Hope you’re as happy as we are!!!” I am! “ ‘N’ is very happy and this will motivate her to keep doing the exercises.”… Read More