April 16, 2010

This is an older post about the first meeting between Dr. Moramarco and Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT. Regrettably, Frau Christa passed away in 2015, but her impact on him has been a lasting one and his practice of the Schroth Method in the US. He considers himself extremely lucky to have had the benefit of knowing her since only two US Schroth practitioners were fortunate to have had the benefit of learning directly from her.

Dr. Moramarco meets Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT

Dr. Moramarco called to report a wonderful visit with Christa Lehnert-Schroth! If you know him, you know this visit to Germany was a big deal. He has been very excited about meeting her for weeks and discussing his outpatient practice of Schroth in the USA. He reported she was truly interested in the details of his practice of Schroth in the US. She was especially concerned with each and every patient Dr. Moramarco reported on and his/her progress.

He had compiled and organized photos of patients performing Schroth corrections and exercises in anticipation of the visit. They sat down for quite a while reviewing each photo and the details of many scoliosis (and Scheuermann’s) patients he has treated or currently treating. She informally grilled him on his knowledge of Schroth, eager to learn of his commitment to the Katharina Schroth family legacy. He enjoyed her ‘interrogation’ and reported some helpful suggestions which were valuable for fine-tuning. He felt this meeting truly validated everything he has been doing these last few years with the Schroth method. They also shared an enjoyable lunch in Bad Sobernheim, and his take after the meeting was that for 85 years young she is certainly full of life! He is so excited to have had this opportunity and they plan on keeping in touch.

Tomorrow he will present at a Schroth method seminar in Germany organized by Dr. Weiss, Frau Christa’s son. He has apparently assembled quite a crowd of European practitioners to gain additional insight into treating scoliosis conservatively. On a personal note, I am disappointed to be missing it, thanks to the large volcanic plume that has stranded many travelers, including me. More details of Dr. Moramarco’s German adventure with the Christa Lehnert-Schroth and Dr. Weiss to follow…

Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT
Marc and Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT
Marc, Frau Christa and Beatriz Torres PT discuss scoliosis treatment over lunch in Bad Sobernheim

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Intuitive, Healing Touch

“He really has that special intuitive, healing touch. He’s tuned in and observant in a deep way. I feel that we’re very lucky – I really can’t say enough good things about him! I’m so glad that Emily is in such good hands!” Read More

Mild Scoliosis Improves 10 Degrees

Just got a call from L’s orthopaedist in Rochester. He looked at her scans and says her curve measures 6 degrees! That is a 10 degree reduction from her scans in March 2010. He does not consider that there is a scoliosis at this time and told us to just cancel our appointment for December…. Read More