Result: LW

  • 10-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle 16º
  • Risser 0

This young patient with juvenile scoliosis came to see Dr. Marc from central NY on two separate occasions for intensive Schroth instruction sessions for her 16 degree scoliosis curve. Six… Read More

Result: AS

  • 13-year-old male
  • Initial Cobb angle 17º
  • Risser 0

After this patient’s mom noticed her son’s uneven shoulders, she and her husband consulted with a pediatric orthopedist who suggested they watch, wait and follow up again in four months…. Read More

Result: AF

  • 11.5-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle 13º
  • Risser 0

This eleven-year-old girl and her mom came to see us from Tennessee. The patient’s mom has severe scoliosis and came to be fit with a Chêneau-Gensingen brace and complete our… Read More

Result: AL

  • 13-year-old male
  • Initial Cobb angles 12º/11º
  • Risser 0

Here’s a case of very mild scoliosis that would certainly be advised to ‘watch and wait’ anywhere else. However, this boy’s mom has severe scoliosis and she wanted to do… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Cosmetic & Breathing Improvements

“He made the sessions enjoyable and I always looked forward to the next session. His ongoing support and determination made me enjoy my treatments and believe that I could really make a difference in my condition.” Read More

Toned & Stronger Core

“Wow it is so encouraging for all of us…This is exactly what we see in her – much more toned and stronger core.” Read More