Result: JP

  • 11.5 year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle(s) 12°/23°
  • Risser 0

JP was first diagnosed with a mild lumbar scoliosis (measuring 23°) at age eleven. At the time, her Risser score was 0 and she was at high risk for progression…. Read More

Result: EK1

  • 13-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle 24º
  • Risser 3

This thirteen-year-old Virginia girl presented with an initial Cobb angle of 24º. Her parents opted to have her fit in our corrective scoliosis brace after her older brother achieved good… Read More

Result: RU

  • 12-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 25º/12º
  • Risser 1

This patient came from Washington state to be fit in a Gensingen Brace. It was decided to use a Gensingen Nighttime brace and closely monitor her progress. Nighttime bracing is… Read More

Result: JR

  • 9-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 24º/12º
  • Risser 0

A Schroth Best Practice® colleague in Toronto, Canada referred this patient with juvenile scoliosis for a Chêneau-Gensingen® brace. After her second brace fitting, an in-brace x-ray demonstrated a 7º overcorrection… Read More

Result: AD

  • 11-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 17º/25º
  • Risser 0

This young patient from Texas first came to see us as an 11-year-old. Two years after Schroth Best Practice® and Chêneau-Gensingen brace treatment, her curves now measure 12º and 19º…. Read More

Result: MB

  • 9-year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angles 14º/25º/17º
  • Risser 0

This juvenile scoliosis patient came from Houston, Texas for a Cheneau-Gensingen brace and Schroth Best Practice® instruction. She began with Cobb angles of 14º, 25º and 17° and was considered… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Correction Has Been Remarkable

“His correction has been remarkable, is clearly visible with the naked eye and his posture is now very good. I highly recommend dr. Moramarco for anyone who is considering non-surgical alternatives to scoliosis. I am glad we trusted him with our son’s care.” Read More

Completely Changed My Life

“The fact that I could learn to do breathing exercises that would change my 38 degree curve in my back to a 32 degree curve in such a short time without surgery is astounding! Thank you Dr. Moramarco.” Read More