- 12-year-old female
- Initial Cobb angles 26º/34º
- Risser 2-3
This patient was initially diagnosed with scoliosis at 8 years old, juvenile scoliosis. At that time her Cobb angles measured 10º and 17º and her parents were advised to ‘watch and wait.’ Over the three years, before becoming our patient, her Cobb angles progressed to 26º and 26º – a double major curve. She was then finally fit with a Boston Brace (still not our patient). Unfortunately she had trouble tolerating the Boston brace and continued progressing. Her spine eventually measured 26º/34º, at which point her mother sought out our advice.
B participated in our Schroth program, only–and had discontinued brace wear. Within two months, B experienced some curve improvement. Within one year, her Cobb angles had decreased to 15º and 14º – an 11º thoracic and 20º lumbar curve reduction in only one year!