• 11.5 year-old female
  • Initial Cobb angle(s) 12°/23°
  • Risser 0

JP was first diagnosed with a mild lumbar scoliosis (measuring 23°) at age eleven. At the time, her Risser score was 0 and she was considered to be at high risk for progression. Local practitioners from her home state of Rhode Island recommended a Providence brace; however, her parents were interested in learning more about alternative treatment options for scoliosis and brought her to Scoliosis 3DC® instead.

Scoliosis bracing recommendations can vary when scoliosis reaches the higher end of the mild category. Some doctors recommend bracing, others wait until scoliosis has exceeded 25º. Given that JP had significant growth potential ahead and she appeared to be in the middle of a growth spurt, Dr. Moramarco outlined a conservative treatment plan. JP completed a 12-hour Schroth program (patients with more moderate/severe scoliosis typically do a 17-hour program) and was fit with a brace.

Given her relatively close proximity to Massachusetts, JP followed up in our office about every 2 months or so. When J started outgrowing her brace she was fit with a second brace, designed especially for her. J continued to make excellent progress!

Her Cobb angles were reduced to 11º, 8°, and 7º. The proactive approach that JP’s parents took shows just how important it is to act fast when mild scoliosis is first diagnosed, or if things aren’t going well in another scoliosis brace. J was a Risser 1 at the time of this post but if she stays the course she should be able to maintain her spinal improvement..

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

A Friend in Our Battle

“We had hoped for an improvement of a few degrees at best, but this improvement left us stunned. Marc’s knowledge, encouragement and support have given our son the tools to succeed in his battle against scoliosis.” Read More

Flexibility & Confidence

“My son was so sad to leave them after a week and is already anxious to return!! The brace and therapy have already helped tremendously with my sons flexibility and confidence.” Read More

Scoliosis treatment result has family fist bumping, cart-wheeling

N’s mom sent us an email expressing her elation over her daughter’s result after Schroth method treatment at our facility: “Wish you could see us fist bumping, cartwheeling and grinning from ear-to-ear!!!”  “Hope you’re as happy as we are!!!” I am! “ ‘N’ is very happy and this will motivate her to keep doing the exercises.”… Read More