Dr. Moramarco recently traveled to a scoliosis conference in beautiful Istanbul, Turkey. The 1st International Conference on Scoliosis Management was sponsored by the Scoliosis Society of Turkey and attended primarily by conservative-minded European scoliosis practitioners of varying philosophies. There was a strong representation of Schroth Best Practice practitioners from Europe and Asia. Many attendees were also… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

Work Throughout the Day Without Pain

“It really makes a difference with how I feel. I don’t have severe pain or tingling in my right shoulder blade anymore. I can work throughout the day without pain, and I’m sleeping better!” Read More

Best Decision Ever!

Best decision ever! After much research, we decided that traveling 1000 km to Scoliosis 3DC® and paying out of pocket for a Gensingen Brace would give our 9 year old the best chance at stopping progression of her scoliosis. Dr. Marc, Amy, Maja and all the staff are so compassionate and spent several hours over… Read More

Yay! :)

“Hey Dr. Marc, Me and my mom just went to the hospital and got my out of brace x-ray. My curve went from 38 to 22 degrees and my rotation was like 20 to 9 -YAY! :)” Read More