When your child is diagnosed with scoliosis, a sense of confusion may set in as you start to research scoliosis treatment alternatives. How should you proceed? Who should you listen to? If the diagnosis is mild, is doing nothing the best strategy? Is a scoliosis brace necessary, and if so, when? Which scoliosis specialist should… Read More

If you’ve been on our website, you know that we offer four to five-day intensive Schroth Programs for children and adults with scoliosis. ADL (Activities of Daily Living) training for scoliosis is an integral part of our program, and strangely, one that not many Schroth practitioners in the US address. ADL training for scoliosis is an important part… Read More

Scoliosis surgeons have claimed for years, and most still do, that it is impossible to correct scoliosis without surgery. In this post we are happy to report on one of our young patients who is proving the doctors wrong again – this time in a very big way! D. came to Scoliosis 3DC® in September 2014, six months… Read More

The old adage, “A picture is worth 1000 words,” applies to today’s post which asks the question, Can a Heel Lift Help Scoliosis? When there is a true leg length discrepancy, a heel lift for scoliosis is often used. The x-ray comparison shown is of the same girl’s spine taken only seven weeks apart. The… Read More

We are always thrilled when patients call with news that a curve has reduced. Early intervention, rather than wait and see for scoliosis, gives your child the best chance of making a positive change. R’s mom had been a post-surgical patient at Scoliosis 3DC® and was happy with the pain relief achieved after learning the… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

“Traveled from Columbus, OH to see him!”

Dr. Marc is incredible!! Back in 2015 I was experiencing horrible, chronic pain. He is in Massachusetts, but I traveled from Columbus, OH to see him! I had surgery for my scoliosis and he was very cautious with my hardware, but did everything he could to help me! I wear my back brace every night… Read More

Best Decision Ever!

Best decision ever! After much research, we decided that traveling 1000 km to Scoliosis 3DC® and paying out of pocket for a Gensingen Brace would give our 9 year old the best chance at stopping progression of her scoliosis. Dr. Marc, Amy, Maja and all the staff are so compassionate and spent several hours over… Read More