Here at Scoliosis 3DC® (3DC stands for three-dimensional correction), successful conservative management of scoliosis includes exercises for the sagittal plane. From the onset, our program has integrated sagittal plane exercises on the basis that sagittal plane instability may be a cause of scoliosis. Our sagittal plane exercises are used so that patients can learn to… Read More

What Scoliosis 3DC® Patients Are Saying

16 Degree Scoliosis Reduction

Hey Dr. Marc, Me and my mom just went to the hospital and got my out of brace x-ray. My curve went from 38 to 22 degrees and my rotation was like 20 to 9 -YAY! 🙂 Read More


“I am ready to shout from the roof top. SCHROTH REALLY WORKS!!!!!! I never expected her to get even better. Thank god we found you Marc.” Read More

So Far So Good

“The brace is working out great and I wear for most of the day! So far so good and it seems to fit pretty well.” Read More